Logo DialogProTec
New ways to protect our plants

Our mission

Climate change brings new challenges for agriculture and society, also in our region, the Upper Rhine. For instance, drought and heat give rise to new diseases, such as the Esca syndrome in viticulture. But our plant world also suffers outside of agriculture: neophytic weeds outcompete our native plants, and in our cities and forests, trees are affected by fungal parasites. Some have spread due to globalisation, but others had always been here. When their host plant suffers from climate stress, they turn from harmless inhabitants into vicious killers.

We search new ways to protect our plants. Rather than poisoning fungal pathogens and weeds with fungicides or herbicides, we want to make use of chemical communication. Nature has evolved numerous chemical signals to steer and manipulate the interaction between organisms. These signals are specific, efficient, and have a favourable ecological footprint.

To identify and valorise these signals, we have assembled a multidisciplinary consortium harbouring plant science, fungal genetics, chip technology, organic chemistry, and agroscience. Using a „ecosystem on chip“ strategy, we will screen natural biodiversity for new compounds to develop new plant protection strategies that are sustainable, because they are rooted in biological evolution.

On these pages, you can find out who we are, what we do, what we work upon and what our scientific achievements are, why our work is interesting for industrial partners, and, what is new in DialogProTec.

Video (in german): Weinbau in Zeiten des Klimawandels – Was wissen wir über Esca & Co. ?


What we do

We want to find chemical signals that are used by plants and fungi to communicate. When we know the signals, we want to use them to modulate the communication for the sake of humans – for a sustainable agriculture. In addition, we want to help by our research to render our agriculture more sustainable. Therefore, the dialogue with partners from agriculture and industry is very important for us. How the current debate on the referendum „Pro Biene“ in Baden-Württemberg demonstrate, we also have to keep track on the dialogue with the public. These goals are pursued in several steps, so called work packages:

1. Our research

1.1 Biodiversity of fungi and plants
Who wants to find something, needs something to search in. We utilise collections of fungi and plants, where we expect chemical signals. Partner IBWF provides to the project a collection of more than 20000 fungal strains, partner KIT-BOT a collection of more than 6000 plant species.

1.2 Chip technology
To study chemical communication in entire plants would be cumbersome. We work, therefore with plant and fungal cell cultures. The cells should communicate on a laboratory chip chemically, but remain touch-free – we are heading for signals with remote effect. A microfluidic chip developed by partners KIT-IMT and KIT-BOT serves as starting point for a novel ecosystem on chip.

1.3 Readout assay for plant immunity
We search signals that activate plant immunity (for a kind of „plant vaccination“). Since we have to test many signals and combinations, we need a readout system that works with plant cells. For this purpose, we use a gene switch, identified by partner KIT-BOT originating from a Wild European Grape endowed with a particularly strong immune system. This gene switch drives a gene from a jellyfish, which encodes the Green Fluorescent Protein, and introduce the entire set into the genome of our test cells. Each time, when a signal activates immunity, we can then measure a green fluorescence.

1.4 Readout assay for growth regulation
We also search signals that inhibit (or enhance) plant growth. This allows to develop bioherbicides or growth stimulators. As readout system, we use seedlings of the model plant thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) that are so small that they can be integrated into a chip. Here, partner Unistra has developed readout systems, also on base of the Green Fluorescent Protein, that allow to follow the so called cytoskeleton, a central regulator for growth.

1.5 Elucidation of chemical structure and synthesis of signals
When a promising activity (such as immunity activation or growth regulation), the responsible molecule needs to be identified and elucidated. This runs through so called activitiy-guided fractionation. The solution is separated according to chemical properties into fractions, and each fraction is tested for the respective activity. The responsible fraction is separated further, till the effect can be linked with few candidate molecules. These molecules will then be identified by partner ALUF using cutting-edge chemistry. In a second step, these compounds are then synthetised in cooperation with partner IBWF in sufficient amounts to allow for closer analysis of the mode of action.

1.6 Investigation of biological effects
Our long-term goal is to use the active compounds identified in the course of the project for sustainable plant protection. This requires a link with agricultural practice. This link is provided by the Swiss partner, the Research Institute for Biological Agriculture (FiBL), participating as associated partner without Interreg funding. FiBL has build up long-standing expertise in testing and developing novel plant protection products for organic farming. Special focus is put upon viticulture, where plant protection has to be especially intense to secure yield. First, candidate compounds can be tested in the lab scale on grapevine seedlings. During later stages, products can also be tested in the own experimental vineyard. Since pathogenic microorganisms employ „chemical warfare“ to outcompete each other, during a first step candidate compounds from the fungal strain selection of partner IBWF will be tested at FiBL. For this purpose, a zoospore activity test system against the pathogen causing Downy Mildew of Grapevine, the Oomycete P. viticola has been established. In addition, spore germination assays and seedling inoculation assays against other important plant pathogens, such as Phytophthora infestans (causing Potato Rot) and Venturia inaequalis (causing Apple Scarf) will be used.

2. Dialogue with partners

2.1 Dialogue with partners in agriculture and industry
To let the project results bear fruits, we need the commitment and support from partners in agriculture (such as wine makers or fruit producers) and industry (such as companies developing plant protection compounds, or work in chip fabrication). Here, we will conduct polls to find out, which topics and problems are relevant for application, but will also explore in direct interaction with industrial partners, which results should be developed further in future joint activities.

2.2 Dialogue with the public
Our research is ultimately funded by the public. Thus, the public has the right to hear, what we do with this money. We take this obligation very seriously and not only inform through the current website about our work, but also use regular press releases, brochures, public talks (e.g. in frame of the general public relations offered by all partner institutions) about our activities. We also want to demonstrate by this project, how the pronounced tradition of scientific culture in our region contributes to the advance of society.


Logo KIT
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Botanical Institute
Peter Nick
+49 (721) 608 42144
Alexandra Wolf

Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik
Andreas Guber
+49 721 608-24781

Logo Universität Freiburg
University of Freiburg
Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften
Michael Müller
+49 (761) 203 6320
Wolfgang Hüttel

Logo Universität Straßburg
Strasbourg University
Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes
Anne-Catherine Schmit
+33 3 67 15 53 29

Logo ibwf
Institute of Biotechnology and Drug Research (IBWF)

Eckhard Thines
+49 (631) 31672-20
Stefan Jacob
+49 (631) 31672-21

Logo Fibl
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
Departement of Crop Sciences
Lucius Tamm
+41 62 8657238

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