Efficiency Studies

Research Topic

Our long-term goal is to use the active compounds identified in the course of the project for sustainable plant protection. This requires a link with agricultural practice. This link is provided by the Swiss partner, the Research Institute for Biological Agriculture (FiBL), participating as associated partner without Interreg funding. FiBL has build up long-standing expertise in testing and developing novel plant protection products for organic farming. Special focus is put upon viticulture, where plant protection has to be especially intense to secure yield. First, candidate compounds can be tested in the lab scale on grapevine seedlings.
During later stages, products can also be tested in the own experimental vineyard. Since pathogenic microorganisms employ „chemical warfare“ to outcompete each other, during a first step candidate compounds from the fungal strain selection of partner IBWF will be tested at FiBL. For this purpose, a zoospore activity test system against the pathogen causing Downy Mildew of Grapevine, the Oomycete P. viticola has been established. In addition, spore germination assays and seedling inoculation assays against other important plant pathogens, such as Phytophthora infestans (causing Potato Rot) and Venturia inaequalis (causing Apple Scarf) will be used.

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